Thursday, March 8, 2007

Right-Hand-Man's Virtual Assistant Code of Ethics


1. Be honest and trustworthy.

With honesty comes trust, and without trust our association cannot perform or provide effectively. I will not mislead or make false claims as to my abilities, background or experience. I will not take on projects that are beyond my capabilities. I will conduct business in a professional manner, operating within all local, provincial and federal laws, rules, and regulations.

2. Respect the privacy of others.

As a Virtual Assistant, relationships become common between my clients and myself and my associates and myself. With these relationships, personal information may be shared. I will respect my clients and associates and not make their personal information available and will respect their privacy.

3. Honour confidentiality.

Information that is shared and used between my clients and myself may be considered confidential. This private information will be held in the strictest of confidence and not shared with others unless deemed by my client. I will not use this information for personal gain or in any way that would be damaging to my clients or that would violate their privacy.

4. Conduct my business in a professional manner.

I will uphold the highest of standards and operate my business in such a way as I would want to do business with others. I will operate within all local, provincial and federal laws, rules, and regulations. I will undertake only that work for which we are qualified and capable of providing within the time frame and price agreed upon.

5. Accurately represent my business and the industry.

While promoting my business, I will ensure that all information included in my marketing, advertising and promotional material accurately portrays the industry as a whole and does not have any negative impact on other members of the industry.

6. Provide top quality.

I will demonstrate a commitment to providing my clients with the highest quality of service and accuracy. I will undertake only that work for which we are qualified and capable of providing within the time frame and price agreed upon.

7. Contribute to the enhancement of the industry.

I will share my knowledge with other members of the industry. I will build honest and respectful relationships with my fellow members. I will not demean others who lack knowledge or experience. I will offer support to all those in the industry, especially those who are just starting their practices and need a supportive word or helpful information.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Having a successful virtual assistant practice takes more than hanging out your shingle and waiting for the clients. The virtual assistant takes the role of the temp and elevates it to the status of entrepreneur. Thanks a lot...

Virtual Customer Support