Sunday, March 11, 2007

Marketing your Business!

In Real Estate the slogan for looking for a new home is "location, location, LOCATION!" In marketing it's "network, network, NETWORK!"

So what is Networking? One dictionary suggested it means, "meeting people who can be of help to you and being a help to them." This can happen online, through personal contact, advertising, joining groups, meetings, and the list goes on. Networking can happen at the supermarket. Wherever it happens, you have to make the most of it. Talk about yourself, your business, your product/service, and your successes. Don't brag yourself up, but offer up information that shows how you could help that other person through your business.

"Hidden Marketing" is the marketing of your business that goes on behind your back. This is other people talking about your business. This can be good or bad, depending on the impact you have had on your customers. Did they have a positive experience or did you leave a bad taste in their mouth? When people are happy with your service they usually tell you, but when they aren't happy, they tell other people.

Networking and great Customer Service are the cornerstones of successful marketing. If you can find a way to accomplish both these things and one that works for your particular business, then you have it made. I haven't come across a "magic" formula that works for any and every business. Oh, and by the way, it takes WORK. There are no easy shortcuts. It's like your father used to say, "If something is worth having, it's worth working for!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I completely agree with networking. It's amazing of what you can find.

I recently signed up on Facebook and also heard about LinkedIn. I was able to find old friends back from schools, but you never know what they might be able to offer or you offer them in the future, if you ever need help with something - lots of skill sets out there.